NOTE: The custom nature and design of this draped style cake, means that your cake will be it's own unique version of this design. Similar look, same love!
Serving estimates, depends on how the cake is sliced
2-TIER 5" & 7"
5" Round - 1" x 2" = 8 pax
7" Round x 8" High cake should be separated (in half) horizontally before cutting, which will give a slice height of approx. 4" - 1" x 2" serving size = 32
Serves 40 pax
2-TIER 6” & 8”
6" Round - 1" x 2" serving size = 12
8" Round x 8" High - cake should be separated (in half) horizontally before cutting, which will give a slice height of approx. 4" - 1" x 2" serving size = 48
Serves 60 pax